Certification lets students work while learning and can map directly to job roles

It can sometimes feel that the ‘powers that be’ up there in Westminster have it in for those working away education.  There we are, trying to help people gain the skills and knowledge they need to lead the lives they want – yet all the while tuition fees are rising year on year, those attending UK universities are experiencing the highest in the industrialised world, and the cost of actually getting that education moves things increasingly out of reach for many.  Did you know that a typical student on a three-year course outside of London might expect to graduate with around £35,000-£40,000 of student loans?  And that £9,000 of student fees with £8,000 maintenance loan against a £21,500 starting salary equates to £ 90,179 over 25 years.

The fact is computer scientists are in demand and their salaries reflect this.  But embarking on a career in this field without some kind of formal qualification is unlikely to result in a dream job.  Is it time to think about things differently and respond to the modern world?  What are the options and what role can certification have in this?

The average salary of someone with LPIC is around £37,500.  So, if you could get this without the same in debt, that would be good right?

A 16 to 18 year old can enrol in a further education college and have an academic qualification, as well as professional certification by 18.  That’s three years ahead of a university graduate.  Ok you might be in a lower job role and earning slightly less to start with but by completing a college course with certification you’re not only in the job market faster and gaining valuable, real world experience.

The other option is to seek out an apprenticeship course that combines the benefits of real world experience, academic qualifications, certification and wages (around a minimum of £150 per week on minimum wage).  Whilst not a large salary, the cost of learning and debt associated with long term learning is eradicated.

Now, let’s be clear – we are not suggesting that people shouldn’t be going on to higher education.  There is no denying that focused study over a period of time provides exceptional insight and grounding in the core skills required.  But, we recognise that this isn’t for everyone, and that’s where we, here at Future Cert (representing LPI in the UK & Ireland) come in.

Certification gives you a quantifiable, internationally recognise qualification that demonstrates your on-the-job value and skill.  Whilst you can still do this along with your higher education programme, this isn’t your only option.  A future working with Linux lies ahead for you, even if you can’t afford to go to university or if you simply don’t think it’s for you.

For more information on this approach in action, why not take a look at some of our further education case studies?